Monday, May 30, 2016

Day 10: Monday (The Longest Vacation Ever!)

Okay, Body. This is vacation. You're supposed to get some extra sleep. You're supposed to be on West Coast time by now. What's with the waking up at 5:30 stuff?!

I was showered by 6 and ready to pack by 6:15. Bob got up at 7.

We were packed and heading out the door by 8. Thank goodness for a GPS. There were so many turns in the city, I have a hard time imagining following an old fashioned map to our next destination: Point Reyes National Seashore.

(Our tentative plans to stop at Muir Woods were abandoned when we saw the road sign announcing that the Muir Woods parking lot was full-- before 9 a.m.!)

Did I mention it was a very foggy morning?

Turns out that Point Reyes North Beach was the perfect place for us to land for a little while. Something about the ocean always brings tears to my eyes.

As soon I put my bare toes into the water I knew I'd NEVER swim in this water! It was really, really cold. But I could look at it forever.

Nevertheless, by lunchtime we had completed the drive to Napa. We caught some lunch in a local Italian place.

Our sandwiches were big enough to feed us for lunch and have enough left over for supper. Which was awesome because all we wanted to do was unwind at our new digs, the coolest ever, Airstream Trailer!!

Some young guests who had already started drinking Napa Valley Wine before 5 p.m. stopped by to say hi and check out our ultra-cool trailer. I think they will be up much later than we will be tonight!

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